Damn Yankees (Nov 1996)
Aberdeen Arts Centre
In the halcyon and fertile musical period of the fifties, America was graced with more than a bumper crop of bright, lively, tuneful musicals. One of the best smash hits of this golden period was Damn Yankees, which ran on Broadway for over 1000 delightful performances.
Damn Yankees is a rip-roaring musical comedy packed with well-known songs such as 'Heart', 'What Lola Wants', 'Those Were The Good Old Days' and the lovely 'Two Lost Souls' and 'Goodbye Old Girl'. Add to the lovely music, a hilarious script and exciting, exhilarating dances and you have the ideal antidote to those dark winter nights.
This bouncy baseball tale is a sure-fire home run!
“..Once again, another ‘Damn’ fine show from Aberdeen’s premier theatre company...”